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How to free allocated memory in a binary tree in C

Ask Time:2015-02-25T03:59:14         Author:Hotsaucejalapeno

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I am having trouble with a function in my C program. The purpose of the program is to:

  • Read integers from a binary file into an array
  • Sort these numbers using a binary tree
  • Do some other stuff
  • Free all memory that you allocated using malloc();

I've got everything working except for being able to free my binary tree. Here are my structures for the tree and node (a.k.a. leaf).

typedef struct Node *NodeP;
typedef struct Tree *TreeP;

// Definition of a tree
    struct Tree
        NodeP root;

    // Definition of a node
    struct Node
        int data;
        NodeP L, R;

In my program, I have used malloc to allocate memory for my tree and for each individual node. So I call a function to free the tree and all of its nodes.

 * Frees the memory allocated for
 * each node
void freeNode(NodeP p)
    if(p == NULL) return;

 * Frees the memory allocated
 * for the tree
TreeP freeTree(TreeP tree)
    if(tree->root == NULL)

    return NULL;

When I run this program, my debugger is giving me this error.


I've tried mentally going through each iteration of the recursion, and I can't find why it's giving me an error. I'm thinking it's falling off the edge of the tree at the edge cases? I'm not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated!


Here is a link to download the full program. I included a README and the binary files I am working with. One is only 10 integers in length, the other is 20000 in length. Thanks for your help so far!


Author:Hotsaucejalapeno,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28705133/how-to-free-allocated-memory-in-a-binary-tree-in-c