Home:ALL Converter>Is JavaScript necessary to learn ,to use all HTML 5 features?

Is JavaScript necessary to learn ,to use all HTML 5 features?

Ask Time:2010-11-08T16:57:18         Author:Jamna

Json Formatter

These days I am learning HTML5 new element where I read that the canvas tag is only a container for graphics, you must use a script to actually paint graphics. so I want to know that Is JavaScript necessary to learn ,to use all HTML 5 features?

If yes than for which tags of HTML5 , JavaScript knowledge will be needed?

Author:Jamna,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4122388/is-javascript-necessary-to-learn-to-use-all-html-5-features
Darin Dimitrov :

If you want to use all HTML 5 features then, yes, you have to learn javascript because some of them rely on javascript like Local Storage and the WebSocket API.",
Chris Morgan :

No, there are various features of HTML5 which are not JavaScript dependent; for example, new tags like <article>, <header>, <footer>, etc.\n\nOn your particular example of the canvas, you don't even need to access it through JavaScript - Processing.js makes is a great for programmers and non-programmers alike and is very easy to start with.",