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Eclipse Jetty Feature integrate Jetty 9

Ask Time:2014-04-30T17:11:57         Author:Johnny

Json Formatter

I want to integrate Jetty with Eclipse. And I have installed "Eclipse Jetty Feature(3.6)" in my Eclipse.

I want to configure Eclipse jetty feature. eclipse_debug configurations_jetty webapp_options, I include my own jetty 9 (c:\****\jetty-9.0), but I get an alert when I start to run it:

Failed to resolve Jetty dependencies: [.*/com.sun.el-.*\.jar, .*/org.apache.jasper.glassfish-.*\.jar, .*/org.apache.taglibs.standard.glassfish-.*\.jar]

Can anyone help me to resolve it? I don't have any idea. Thank you. I already added el-api.jar, jsp-api.jar, sevlet-api.jar into my classpath.

Author:Johnny,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23384089/eclipse-jetty-feature-integrate-jetty-9
George L :

Move \n\n{jetty-9-dir}/lib/apache-jsp \n\nto \n\n{jetty-9-dir}/lib/jsp\n\nShould fix the issue without having to disable JSP.\n\nAs far as I can tell Jetty 9.3+ does not include JSTL so you may also have to add that as a dependency if you use it.",
user3671612 :

Disable JSP Support in Debug Config --> Options tab.\nBut after that, you can't play with jsp anymore!",