Home:ALL Converter>What is CAN Active, CAN passive and Sleep state in CAN Network manager?

What is CAN Active, CAN passive and Sleep state in CAN Network manager?

Ask Time:2022-05-11T18:11:49         Author:user2986042

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I am trying to understand the CAN network management in vehicle. During my research, I got to know that CAN network management(CANNM) will make some Mode state to decide the CAN transmission. Those modes are CAN active, CAN passive and CAN sleep states. I want to know that is the exact use of CANNM and why these modes are required ?

Author:user2986042,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72199231/what-is-can-active-can-passive-and-sleep-state-in-can-network-manager