Home:ALL Converter>Angular 2: How to hide button only on selective iteration of *ngFor?

Angular 2: How to hide button only on selective iteration of *ngFor?

Ask Time:2016-08-17T14:45:34         Author:Karan Desai

Json Formatter

I have following HTML code:

<tr *ngFor='let product of products'>
            <button [hidden]="hidebutton" (click)="Follow(product.Id)">Follow</button>                           

And corresponding click event in my Typescript followproduct.component.ts:

export class followproduct implements onInit{
hidebutton: boolean = false;
Follow(productId: number) {
        this.hidebutton = true;      

Upon clicking on Follow button of one product, all the buttons of other product in iteration gets hidden-and that's obvious too, as I am allotting the hidden option to iterative button tag.

Is there any way to hide, update or change the button of only selective iteration of *ngFor?

Author:Karan Desai,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38989820/angular-2-how-to-hide-button-only-on-selective-iteration-of-ngfor
garethb :

Make hidebutton an array. Something like this\n\n<table>\n <tr *ngFor='let product of products'>\n <td>\n <button [hidden]=\"hidebutton[product.Id]\" (click)=\"Follow(product.Id)\">Follow</button> \n </td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n\n\nAnd in your controller\n\n@Component({\n ---\n ---\n})\nexport class followproduct implements onInit{\nhidebutton: any[] = [];\nFollow(productId: number) {\n ---\n this.hidebutton[productId] = true; \n }\n}\n",
micronyks :

That's because all product share same variable named hidebutton. What you have to do is, create a new variable for each product as shown below,\n\n<tr *ngFor='let product of products'>\n <td>\n <button [hidden]=\"product.hidebutton\" \n (click)=\"Follow(product.Id,product.hiddenbutton)\">Follow</button> \n </td>\n</tr>\n\n\n\n\nexport class followproduct implements onInit{\n//hidebutton: boolean = false;\nFollow(productId: number,hidebutton:boolean) {\n ---\n\n //if(hidebutton==false)\n\n hidebutton= true;\n\n //hidebutton =!hidebutton; \n }\n}\n",