Home:ALL Converter>compute derivative fourier coefficient Julia

compute derivative fourier coefficient Julia

Ask Time:2017-05-17T01:32:44         Author:ChrlTsr

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I am trying to calculate the derivative of a function from the fourier coefficients of this function with IJulia. for that, i there is a link between the fourier coefficient of the function and the fourier coefficient of the derivative , being X'[k]=X[k]*2*piik/N, is that right?

i wanted to verify this simple fact by starting from the usual square function x^2, computing its fourier transform and then obtaining the derivative by inverse fourier transform.

here is my code :

theta=-pi:pi/100:pi; # definition of the variable 

four=fft(theta.^2); # computing DFFT of the simple square function 

fourder=Array{Float64}(length(four)); # creating array for derivative

fourder=complex(fourder); # allowing complex values 

for k=1:length(fourder) 
    fourder[k]=four[k]*2*pi*im*(k-1)/length(four); # formula transformation from function coefficients FFT to its derivative 

test2=ifft(fourder); # computing inverse fourier transform

But with this algorithm i obtain something really far from what i am supposed to obtain (2x)...

What am I doing wrong? I think it might be a problem of discretization but i dont understand how to do what i want to do in an other way.

Thank you

Author:ChrlTsr,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44008040/compute-derivative-fourier-coefficient-julia