Home:ALL Converter>Can i host a shiny app on a windows machine?

Can i host a shiny app on a windows machine?

Ask Time:2013-04-17T13:45:08         Author:ngwells

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I've registered for the beta hosting. I've tried to follow the directions for creating the shinyapps/myapp folder on my widnows machine. I can run shiny apps locally. I've installed the node.js program shiny requires but I can get the config file? I think my error message requires python? Is there an easier way to host the shiny app on a windows machine? Thanks

Author:ngwells,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16052441/can-i-host-a-shiny-app-on-a-windows-machine
user1693885 :

a bit of a late answer: it is possible to host a shiny app on Windows. \n\nuse the following run.R script below, start it as a job on the windows machine.\nDo make sure that the port (below 1234) is open in the local firewall.\n\nEnjoy!\n\nrequire(shiny)\nfolder_address = 'H:/path to app'\n\nx <- system(\"ipconfig\", intern=TRUE)\nz <- x[grep(\"IPv4\", x)]\nip <- gsub(\".*? ([[:digit:]])\", \"\\\\1\", z)\nprint(paste0(\"the Shiny Web application runs on: http://\", ip, \":1234/\"))\n\nrunApp(folder_address, launch.browser=FALSE, port = 1234, host = ip)\n",
Paul Hiemstra :

From the Shiny website:\n\n\n You'll need a Linux server, with the following prerequisites\n installed:\n \n Node.js 0.8.16 or later For Ubuntu, we have found these instructions\n to work well. For Red Hat/CentOS, we recommend installing from source.\n R 2.15 or later Shiny R package, installed into the machine-wide site\n library. This is one easy way to do that: sudo su - -c \"R -e\n \\\"install.packages('shiny', repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')\\\"\"\n\n\nYou cannot natively host Shiny apps on a Windows machine right now. Running a virtual machine with Linux might be a good alternative.",