Home:ALL Converter>ARKit template project is not displaying SpriteKit nodes

ARKit template project is not displaying SpriteKit nodes

Ask Time:2017-08-06T04:16:59         Author:AppsDev

Json Formatter

I'm trying to learn the basics of ARKit and I created a project in XCode 9 beta 4 by using the template for an AR app with SpriteKit. This project is supposed to already have the implementation of a sample app that displays an emoji in an SKLabelNode when you touch the screen.

I'm trying to run this sample in an iPad Mini 4 running iOS 11. I had to remove the arkit key from the Info.plist, and then the app runs. But the emojis are not shown. I also tried example of ARKit with SpriteKit, and the images are not displayed.

However, I could successfully run Apple's sample app which renders 3D models and I can see them. And also this other example that uses SceneKit as well.

How is it possible that I'm able to display 3D SceneKit objects but not 2D SpriteKit objects in my device? What could I be missing?

Author:AppsDev,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45526035/arkit-template-project-is-not-displaying-spritekit-nodes