Home:ALL Converter>Best practice to make multiple Vuejs javascript files work together

Best practice to make multiple Vuejs javascript files work together

Ask Time:2017-09-10T04:24:12         Author:aspirinemaga

Json Formatter

I can't find much information on the web with explanation on how to use multiple vuejs instances and make them work together.

Please, can someone show me his code style on how to do that?

I have a main /resources/assets/js/app.js:

Vue.component('google-maps', require('./components/Gmaps.vue'));

export const App = window.App = new Vue({
    el: '#app',


        // Listen for an event
        socket.on('alarm-channel:App\\Events\\AlarmCreated', ({data}) => {
            return this.alarmCreated(data.alarm);


    data: {
        users:  [],
        alarms: []                      // #01 - should be in Alarms.js

    methods: {

        /* Newly registered alarm */
            this.alarms.push(alarm);    // #01 - should be in Alarms.js 

How can I call a same new Vue() inside /resources/assets/js/alarms.js to make it work together ?:

Author:aspirinemaga,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46134815/best-practice-to-make-multiple-vuejs-javascript-files-work-together
cl3m :

Assuming you are using a bundler such as webpack, and are able to use ES6 modules, I would create a Vuex store in alarm.js:\n\n// npm install vuex\nimport Vuex from 'Vuex'\n\nexport const store = new Vuex.Store({\n state: {\n users: [],\n alarms: []\n },\n mutations: {\n addAlarm(state, alarm) {\n state.products.push(alarm)\n }\n },\n getters: {\n alarms: state => state.alarms,\n users: state => state.users\n },\n actions: {\n addAlarm: ({ commit }, alarm) => {\n commit('addAlarm', obj)\n }\n }\n})\n\n\nThen import it into app.js:\n\nimport Vuex from 'Vuex'\nimport { store } from './alarm.js'\n\nVue.use(Vuex)\n\nnew Vue({\n el: '#app',\n mounted() {\n // Listen for an event\n socket.on('alarm-channel:App\\\\Events\\\\AlarmCreated', ({\n data\n }) => {\n return this.alarmCreated(data.alarm);\n });\n },\n computed: {\n ...Vuex.mapGetters({\n alarms: 'alarms',\n users: 'users'\n })\n // or maybe?\n // alarms: _ => store.alarms\n },\n methods: {\n ...Vuex.mapActions({\n addAlarm: 'addAlarm'\n }),\n alarmCreated(alarm) {\n this.addAlarm(alarm)\n }\n }\n});\n\n\nI have not tested this code, you may have to tweak it a bit to suit your needs.\n\nThe ideal place for the store would be in a store directory, with an index.js file to load submodules.\n\nYou should definately have a look at the Vuex documentation ",