Home:ALL Converter>How to tell Liquibase to ignore the filepath of changelog?

How to tell Liquibase to ignore the filepath of changelog?

Ask Time:2017-09-25T04:29:38         Author:Jewgenij Moldawski

Json Formatter

I have a sql-formatted changelog for liquibase. It contains a couple of changesets and each changeset has an uniquie id.

Then I execute liquibase with this changelog file, which reside, say in the directory /home/changelogs. The changes are applied. Then I run liquibase again with the same changelog file. As expected, the changes are not applied this time.

But if I then move my changelog file to say /home/changelog/migration and run liquibase again, the changes are applied.

The liquibase seems to include the path of changelog into decision, if a changeset already have been applied or not.

How can I get liquibase to make this decision only based on chageset-id, not respecting filepath?

Thanks a lot!


Author:Jewgenij Moldawski,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46394548/how-to-tell-liquibase-to-ignore-the-filepath-of-changelog