Home:ALL Converter>Android studio not suggesting Firebase BOM new versions

Android studio not suggesting Firebase BOM new versions

Ask Time:2020-12-12T21:20:41         Author:Lahiru Chandima

Json Formatter

I am using firebase in my android app, and I had included several firebase client libraries in my build.gradle, each by its own version.

When a new version of each library was available, Android Studio suggested me to upgrade the version to the newer version by highlighting the dependency in yellow.

I recently updated my build.gradle to use Firebase BOM, so that the BOM picks the compatible versions of the each firebase library, so I don't need to specify individual versions of each firebase library.

implementation platform('com.google.firebase:firebase-bom:26.1.0')

Now, Android Studio doesn't detect new versions of firebase-bom, like it did for individual firebase libraries earlier. For an example, I can see that 26.1.1 of firebase-bom is released, but Android Studio doesn't show me that.

Why is this? Is there any way to get Andriod Studio to detect new versions of firebase-bom?

Author:Lahiru Chandima,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65265403/android-studio-not-suggesting-firebase-bom-new-versions