Home:ALL Converter>Check constraints is not working when inserting new record in mysql

Check constraints is not working when inserting new record in mysql

Ask Time:2022-08-12T02:45:14         Author:Billu

Json Formatter

Constraints check(age >= 18)is not working, New record should not be insert with age value 10. New record should only insert when age value is greater than and equal to 18.

I have created a table with SQL command given below.

create table studentInfo_tbl(
id int not null auto_increment unique,
name varchar(50) not null,
age int(3) not null check(age >= 18),
gender varchar(1) not null default 'm',
address varchar(100),
primary key(id)

Insert record command is working and inserting age value 10.

insert into studentinfo_tbl(name, age, gender, address) 
values('Ali', 10, 'm', 'New York');

Author:Billu,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73325505/check-constraints-is-not-working-when-inserting-new-record-in-mysql
blabla_bingo :

For us using version 5.7 or other ones below 8.0.16, we still have triggers .\ndelimiter //\ncreate trigger check_age before insert on studentInfo_tbl for each row\nbegin\nif new.age <18 then\nsignal sqlstate value '99999' set message_text = 'Must be over 18 years old to qualify.';\nend if;\nend//\ndelimiter ;\n\ninsert into studentInfo_tbl(name, age, gender, address) \nvalues('Ali', 10, 'm', 'New York');\n-- result: Error Code: 1644. Must be over 18 years old to register.\n\ninsert into studentInfo_tbl(name, age, gender, address) \nvalues('Ali', 18, 'm', 'New York');\n-- result: 1, Ali, 18, m, New York\n\n",