Home:ALL Converter>use wireshark to capture all hosts traffic in mininet

use wireshark to capture all hosts traffic in mininet

Ask Time:2018-03-21T02:32:53         Author:Haniku

Json Formatter

Im trying to capture traffic of all mininet hosts in one wireshark file. For example, I have 3 hosts in mininet, but I dont want 3 different wireshark files (like from xterm), but only one wireshark file, where will be traffic of all 3 hosts captured.

Is it possible in mininet? When I tried:

mininet> sh wireshark

Only traffic between switches is possible to capture.

Author:Haniku,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49391774/use-wireshark-to-capture-all-hosts-traffic-in-mininet