Home:ALL Converter>Search Table for specific column name across multiple Databases

Search Table for specific column name across multiple Databases

Ask Time:2018-06-21T22:49:17         Author:user1949329

Json Formatter

I am looking at about 200 databases, each have an, almost, uniform structure.

I am trying to search all the databases for 1 specific column in 1 specific table. If that column does not exist, then return the Database name.

I wrote a cursor to do this, but I am stuck on how to return the Database name.

set nocount on;   
DECLARE @db_name NVARCHAR (150)
SELECT name 
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name like ('B1%') --might need to exclude more dbs

OPEN c_db_names
FETCH c_db_names INTO @db_name
WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0

 SELECT 'code for returning DB name goes here' 
        ,c.name  AS 'ColumnName'
        ,t.name AS 'TableName'    

 FROM '+  @db_name + '.sys.columns c
 JOIN '+  @db_name + '. sys.tables  t   ON c.object_id = t.object_id 
 WHERE 1=1 
    and c.name like %MyName%'    
  FETCH c_db_names INTO @db_name
CLOSE c_db_names
DEALLOCATE c_db_names

Any recommendations here or even thoughts on how to do this more efficiently? i am not a fan of cursors, but they have their uses.

Also, how the heck do I flip that "LIKE" to something more reasonable for what I want?

Author:user1949329,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50971481/search-table-for-specific-column-name-across-multiple-databases