Home:ALL Converter>Cannot publish Bot to Azure using npm in VS Code

Cannot publish Bot to Azure using npm in VS Code

Ask Time:2018-08-24T04:32:54         Author:smbukhari

Json Formatter

I'm trying to publish my chatbot application to Azure as instructed in the Azure Portal build menu: Screenshot of instructions

I successfully download the code zip file, and it runs fine in VSCode and the Bot Emulator. However, when I do npm run azure-publish , I get the error npm ERR! missing script: azure-publish. I have not changed any of the build files or the node modules. This exact project runs without an issue in the Azure Online App Editor.

I don't understand where I'm going wrong. Where can I find the script for azure-publish? Is it even possible to publish using npm on VS Code? I've seen examples of publishing using Visual Studio, but haven't come across one with VS Code. Screenshot of directory

Any help or insight is much appreciated.

Author:smbukhari,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51993858/cannot-publish-bot-to-azure-using-npm-in-vs-code