Home:ALL Converter>Developing UCWA applications for Skype for Business Online

Developing UCWA applications for Skype for Business Online

Ask Time:2018-09-04T18:48:30         Author:Anton_developer

Json Formatter

I'm trying to develop a simple java client that needs to access Skype for Business APIs in order to setup an online meeting (i.e. I need to retrieve a simple setup meeting URL by invoking an UCWA API).

I followed this Microsoft tutorial step-by-step:


I have an Office 365 Business Premium license and I configured a custom domain (correctly registered and added at the zone DNS file);

  1. I configured and registered my java client app on Azure (taking care to assign required delegated permission for Skype for Business capabilities);
  2. I performed the Sign-in phase and Azure is able to recognize me;
  3. I performed the Autodiscovery phase in order to retrieve the user's UCWA home pool;
  4. I sent a GET request to the Azure oauth2 endpoint with response 401 error (and this is the expected behaviour by the authentication handshake);
  5. Unfortunately, I failed when I request an access token using implicit grant flow: Azure responds with a Sign-In HTML page rather than the json object containing the oauth2 access token.

What's wrong on this GET request?

GET https://login.microsoftonline.com/oauth2/authorize?

This GET URL looks like that one used for the Sign-In phase (step 3); I suspect that it isn't the right request URL.

I tryed to put my domain on the URL:


and I tryed to put a common domain name (as reported on the documentation):


But Azure still reponds with a Sign-In page (and response code 200 OK).

Can someone help me please?

Author:Anton_developer,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52164542/developing-ucwa-applications-for-skype-for-business-online