Home:ALL Converter>iPhone numbers keyboard keeps popping up after using iFrame form (iOS Safari)

iPhone numbers keyboard keeps popping up after using iFrame form (iOS Safari)

Ask Time:2017-12-29T07:20:47         Author:nrlr

Json Formatter

Our React web application uses a Stripe element form for checkout (see here for details). It injects an iFrame form into the website. As expected, when using the site on iOS Safari, the credit card keyboard pops up when the user focuses on the Stripe input.

But then things go wrong. First, if the user taps elsewhere on the page, the keyboard stays up. Not a huge problem, because you can tap 'done' to dismiss the keyboard.

But then - ANYTIME a user taps on the site, the keyboard pops up. Tapping 'done' does nothing - on the next tap, it pops up again. It finally stops after the user focuses on another input field.

I've tried manually calling blur() on the Stripe element when the React component unmounts, but with no luck. Incredibly, you can replicate this issue using the Xcode simulator. What in the h*ck is going on?

Author:nrlr,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48015579/iphone-numbers-keyboard-keeps-popping-up-after-using-iframe-form-ios-safari