Home:ALL Converter>Micro-kernel architecture based operating system for desktop users?

Micro-kernel architecture based operating system for desktop users?

Ask Time:2015-10-01T19:27:31         Author:Faisal Aslam

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Can we have Operating system with micro-kernel architecture targeted on desktop users? I have read here on this website that older micro-kernel can be 50% slower than Monolithic kernel, while later version like L4 were only 2% or 4% slower than the Monolithic kernel. L4 kernel is very famous for its performance.

Why don't we have an operating system based on micro-kernel architecture targeted on desktop users? Can we have such operating systems in future?

Author:Faisal Aslam,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32886461/micro-kernel-architecture-based-operating-system-for-desktop-users