Home:ALL Converter>Differences between Windows Desktop APIs and C Runtime library?

Differences between Windows Desktop APIs and C Runtime library?

Ask Time:2019-01-09T00:51:00         Author:Max

Json Formatter

For the purpose of this question I'm only interested in desktop applications, both GUI and command line.

What are the differences between the Universal C Runtime aka C Run-Time Library and the Desktop APIs?

What's the difference in terms of availability – which API runs on more versions of Windows? Is there a size/performance cost to using both in the same application? What's the difference in robustness in handling of edge cases e.g. a unicode filename?

It seems the Desktop APIs are more powerful than the Universal C Runtime? Is the latter built on the former, making the former a strict superset in terms of functionality? Is for example _open in fact implemented on top of CreateFileW?

Author:Max,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54096276/differences-between-windows-desktop-apis-and-c-runtime-library