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ngx-smart-modal - Angular 6

Ask Time:2018-08-30T05:08:21         Author:Ravi M.

Json Formatter

I followed this StackBlitz example to add te ngx-smart-modal window.

Everything went well, except the component opens on the page instead of in a Lightbox modal pop-up.

This example is using Angular 4.

Has anybody used this module in Angular 6 successfully?

Author:Ravi M.,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52086099/ngx-smart-modal-angular-6
Mr Shantastic :

For ngx-smart-modal v7.1.0, I simply added the .css or .scss (.scss in my case since that is the default file extension I have setup in my Angular project) file to the styles section of your angular.json.\n\n\"styles\": [\n ...\n \"node_modules/ngx-smart-modal/ngx-smart-modal.scss\",\n ...\n]\n",
Kraus Vincent :

Add ngxSmartModal's style in your global style.css (or .scss) as :\n\n@import \"~ngx-smart-modal/ngx-smart-modal\";\n",
Pranay Harkulkar :

Try to install the lower version of 'ngx-smart-modal'.\ne.g npm install [email protected]",