Home:ALL Converter>How to get everything before the last occurrence of a character in MySQL?

How to get everything before the last occurrence of a character in MySQL?

Ask Time:2019-02-22T14:32:27         Author:Googlebot

Json Formatter

I want to get everything before the last occurrence of a specific character from a column.

SUBSTRING_INDEX with negative value works well for the separation but return the part of the string I want to delete. For example, consider a column as

first. second. third. fourth

SUBSTRING_INDEX(Col1, '.', -1) returns fourth, but I want to get

first. second. third.

In fact, I want to update the same col by removing anything after the last occurrence of .. In other words, I want to remove SUBSTRING_INDEX(Col1, '.', -1) part, but I cannot simply use REPLACE as

UPDATE table1 SET Col1=REPLACE(Col1,SUBSTRING_INDEX(Col1, '.', -1),'')

because it may occur in other parts of the string.

Author:Googlebot,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54821318/how-to-get-everything-before-the-last-occurrence-of-a-character-in-mysql
Tim Biegeleisen :

Here is one trick do this, making use of the REVERSE function:\n\nUPDATE yourTable\nSET col =\n REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(col), INSTR(REVERSE(col), '.')))\n\n\nDemo\n\nThe idea here is to reverse the string, then use INSTR to find the position of the last (now first) dot. Then, we substring from the position to the beginning, and then reverse again.",
Gordon Linoff :

I wouldn't use reverse(). Instead:\n\nUPDATE table1\n SET Col1 = LEFT(col1, LENGTH(col1) - LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(Col1, '.', -1)) - 1);\n",