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Error with babel-polyfill and webpack

Ask Time:2018-06-20T08:39:24         Author:Leslie O

Json Formatter

I am following along a tutorial from Udemy, and we've just downloaded babel. Everything was working fine until I downloaded babel-polyfill and tried to integrate it.

Currently this is my webpack and babelrc files: Webpack & Babel and this is what the error looks like on the command line: Command Line Error.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance for all your help!

Author:Leslie O,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50938673/error-with-babel-polyfill-and-webpack
Jonathan Dumaine :

The key error there is Cannot resolve babel-polyfill in...\n\nThis means webpack isn't able to find that module in your node_modules folder. Check to make sure it's there in node_modules/babel-polyfill and if not install it with npm install --save babel-polyfill.\n\nIf it's there and you still get this error, there are a few possible reasons. \n\nMake sure the permissions on the files/folders are ok.\nCheck that you don't have any NODE_PATH env var set or there's no modulesDirectory setting in your webpack.config.js set that would cause webpack to look in the wrong directory.",