Home:ALL Converter>My Show or Hide DIV on radio input click has a problem

My Show or Hide DIV on radio input click has a problem

Ask Time:2019-04-07T02:51:42         Author:Jesto .K.J

Json Formatter

Dont know why, my jquery code is working for hiding a div which is shown initially and show another div with a 'data-value' for first time. after that it just shows only the displayed div (the another div of the first time) even when other radio buttons are selected.

included jquery : <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

my css

display: none;

my html

<input name='stb' type='radio' data-value='1' value='value'>
<input name='stb' type='radio' data-value='2' value='value'>
<input name='stb' type='radio' data-value='3' value='value'>

<div class="stbr" style="display: block;">
initial div
<div id="stb1" class="stbr">
first shown another div
<div id="stb2" class="stbr">
second div
<div id="stb3" class="stbr">
third div

my jquery code

<script src="./lib/jquery.min.js"></script>

    var stb = document.querySelector("input");
    var demovalue = stb.getAttribute("data-value");

i need to get first div on clicking radio input with data-value=1 second div on clicking radio input with data-value=2 and so on.... Please help...anyone

Author:Jesto .K.J,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55552396/my-show-or-hide-div-on-radio-input-click-has-a-problem