Home:ALL Converter>How to configure SonarLint in IntelliJ?

How to configure SonarLint in IntelliJ?

Ask Time:2022-09-06T21:23:46         Author:Jack

Json Formatter

I was using SonarLint plugin in IntelliJ IDEA by using the url of our project. However, I want to configura it independently for my custom projects, but I am confused how should I do that. Could you pls clarify me about the following issues?

1. What is the SonarCloud and SonarCube options for configuring the SonarLint plugin in IntelliJ IDEA?

2. If I have not a specific url or server for SonarQube, how should I configure the plugin? Which section should I select (SonarCloud and SonarCube)?

Author:Jack,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73622813/how-to-configure-sonarlint-in-intellij