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Resizable sidenav using angular Material(7) & angular 7

Ask Time:2019-04-17T21:09:12         Author:Sayan

Json Formatter

My requirement is resizable/customizable sidenav, here is angular js demo


I want to implement exact same thing using Angular(Version 7) & Angular Material(Version 7). In angular material 7 sidenav open/close/toggle functionality present material sidenav doc but resizable functionality not there.

Guys, can you guide me how to achieve this functionality? Pls share any kind reference/npm library. I would appreciate the help, Many thanks!

Author:Sayan,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55728309/resizable-sidenav-using-angular-material7-angular-7