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Twisted web server session matching/diagnosing

Ask Time:2019-06-19T20:56:03         Author:Paul Hayes

Json Formatter

I have an existing web application using Python Twisted. The clients are embedded devices rather than humans. So I occasionally run into quirks of the often outdated and simplistic http clients in these devices. The application relies on session cookies, up until now I've had no issues.

Recently I have added a new type of device and I am having problems with session matching not working.

I am using getSession() from the twisted.web.server Session class.

This particular client device seems to be returning the Cookie header in a format that getSession is unable to match to a session (and so creates a new session on every request received).

I am unsure if this is a problem with Twisted or a problem with how the client device is formatting the cookie header, specifically how it's reformatting the Path attribute.

The behaviour of a working client device is this.

The Set-Cookie header being sent by Twisted:

Set-Cookie: TWISTED_SESSION=10d4ed8a01ad1459c53018953343f2d357e9ac5015a86ab714fd09eb12b06c4c; Path=/

And the resulting Cookie header sent by the client on the next request:

Cookie: $Version="0"; TWISTED_SESSION=10d4ed8a01ad1459c53018953343f2d357e9ac5015a86ab714fd09eb12b06c4c;$Path=/

Now the non-working client, the Set-Cookie header from the Twisted web server:

Set-Cookie: TWISTED_SESSION=fe5abac62eb577176e94d2a98d46298d6c093d425e51583554a4ad98e3cff8fb; Path=/

And the resulting Cookie header that Twisted Session does not match:

Cookie: TWISTED_SESSION=fe5abac62eb577176e94d2a98d46298d6c093d425e51583554a4ad98e3cff8fb/

It's just put the path "/" onto the end of the TWISTED_SESSION attribute.

I'm a bit stuck on how to diagnose this further, I've attempted to re-write the Cookie header and remove the / from the end but this didn't help.

I am also unsure whether the client's behaviour should be correct or not. It seems unusual but I don't know if what it is doing is technically wrong.

Author:Paul Hayes,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56668187/twisted-web-server-session-matching-diagnosing