Home:ALL Converter>Make docker-swarm update from ECR

Make docker-swarm update from ECR

Ask Time:2017-07-20T19:29:52         Author:user2508615

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How can I make docker-swarm connect to ECR and update the current container with the latest image. If yes, please share with an article where can I start my investigation.

Author:user2508615,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45213432/make-docker-swarm-update-from-ecr
user1072692 :

On whichever node you're using to control your docker swarm, log into ECR and pull the latest image, with this command: eval $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region <whatever-your-region-is>)\n\nThis will log in to your ECR registry. Note that you'll need to add your AWS access key and secret key to this node for this to work; if you haven't done this already, do so with the aws configure command.\n\nNow, when you run docker stack deploy to start your container(s), add the --with-registry-auth flag to the command: this \"spreads\" the login to all the nodes in your swarm so they can all download the image.",