Home:ALL Converter>Bypass angular 2 routing with a relative url

Bypass angular 2 routing with a relative url

Ask Time:2018-03-21T23:48:27         Author:Silvio Zoidberg Sdord

Json Formatter

I have googled a lot but cannot find a solution on this problem. I have a relative path like 'external/user/login/example.php' and I need in that case to bypass the angular routing to get my_env + relative_url.

Is that possible with angular? Thanks in advance.

Author:Silvio Zoidberg Sdord,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49410828/bypass-angular-2-routing-with-a-relative-url
Oscar Paz :

Well, if you navigate to that URL with RouterLink or one of the navigate methods, no. You just navigate directly using the browser API, bypassing Angular:\n\nwindow.location = ' /external/user/example.php';\n\n\nOf course, you must make sure this route does not send you to the html document with the hosted Angular application. You might have to check your server's routing configuration for this.",