Home:ALL Converter>Silent Install MS Visio Viewer is working but not the Silent Uninstall using command line

Silent Install MS Visio Viewer is working but not the Silent Uninstall using command line

Ask Time:2022-08-17T10:23:49         Author:Abceedee Jomari Jacinto

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I Tried to do the the silent install of MS Visio Viewer in my Sandbox and it Work

here is the code

visioviewer_4339-1001_x64_en-us.exe /quiet /norestart

and it work via command line.

However, when I tried the silent uninstall in the command line, the code wont work and the MS Visio wont be uninstalled.

Here is the code I Use.

MsiExec.exe /x visioviewer_4339-1001_x64_en-us.exe /qn

I hope someone could help me.

Thank you

Author:Abceedee Jomari Jacinto,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73382236/silent-install-ms-visio-viewer-is-working-but-not-the-silent-uninstall-using-com
Paul Herber :

I have found this:\nMsiExec.exe /x {95160000-0052-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} /qn\n\nObvious.",