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RDFS/OWL Model Restriction

Ask Time:2019-11-11T19:49:27         Author:taway0282

Json Formatter

I am going through some questions on RDFS/OWL models, and have to infer some triples based on a model. However, I haven't seen the restriction in this model, at least a restriction written like this.

:John :worksAt :companyA
:John rdf:type :employee
:John rdf:type [∃⩽1 owl:onProperty :worksAt]

My understanding of this is along the lines of "An employee must have at least one :worksAt", or in other words owl:minCardinality of 1.

Author:taway0282,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58800795/rdfs-owl-model-restriction