Home:ALL Converter>Is it possible to invoke or trigger an AWS lambda through remote MYSQL database?

Is it possible to invoke or trigger an AWS lambda through remote MYSQL database?

Ask Time:2019-11-22T20:41:51         Author:Naveen B

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While Inserting a data in remote MYSQL database table (hosted in local machine) it should also get inserted in RDS MYSQL database table through lambda:

The Requirement I have:

  1. I have a local database in my PC.
  2. I access it through Dbeaver by connection to it using remote access.
  3. Now I've created a RDS MYSQL database(with the same schema of my local database)in AWS.
  4. Where I have lambda as a bridge to connect these two databases.

    What I tried:

    • I tried the usual way we use to connect RDS to RDS.
    • Where I created a trigger, then a stored procedure with LAMBDA_ARN in my local database to call the lambda once a data is inserted in the local table.
    • Where the lambda will insert the same data in the RDS MYSQL table.

For Example, what I tried was:

I've a table in my local database like this:

And I've created a database in RDS MYSQL with the same schema.

I've added a Trigger in my local database like this:

  SELECT  NEW.sno, QUOTE(NEW.name), IFNULL(NEW.geoloc,0), NEW.ranging INTO @sno, @name, @geoloc, @ranging;
  CALL  local_to_rds_Procedure(@sno, @name, @geoloc, @ranging);

A procedure in my local database like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE local_to_rds_procedure (IN sno int, IN name varchar(50), IN geoloc int, IN ranging int) LANGUAGE sql begin
CALL mysql.lambda_async('arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:919585521528:function:local_to_rds',
CONCAT('{ "sno" : "', sno,
'", "name" : "', name,
'", "geoloc" : "', geoloc,
'", "ranging" : "', ranging,'"}'));

Now I've created a lambda for connecting this local database to the RDS database, also for some other purpose like notifying me if I get any error, creating log table automatically on every inserting (or) update (or) delete in my table, etc... Which I don't have any problem.

The Issue I face here is with the connection, after creating the Trigger and procedure for invoking the lambda I get SQL Error [1305] [42000]: PROCEDURE my.sql.lambda_async does not exist

I tried browsing for solution but I couldn't find a proper solution for it.

This is the view for the process I'm trying:


The part I'm stuck is invoking the lambda while inserting a data in the local database table... Also I've no idea what kind of errors I'll be facing if I pass through this.

Thanks in advance...

Author:Naveen B,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58994516/is-it-possible-to-invoke-or-trigger-an-aws-lambda-through-remote-mysql-database