Home:ALL Converter>How to access a python Flask app through R shiny?

How to access a python Flask app through R shiny?

Ask Time:2019-12-11T22:06:33         Author:Christian

Json Formatter

I am trying to connect a R Shiny app to a python Flask app, so that I can run my Shiny app on R studio connect and access my Flask app which in turn runs on localhost.

My initial attempt was a GET request from shiny to Flask to bring the html code onto my R site. This worked for displaying the html code, but sending elements back to the python side e.g. forms or pressed buttons are more complicated.

I was wondering whether there are other solutions that do not involve interference with the underlying network system such as IP forwarding?

Author:Christian,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59287572/how-to-access-a-python-flask-app-through-r-shiny