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Copy to Clipboard on Windows 10 with Yank in Vim

Ask Time:2020-04-02T02:53:51         Author:cl16

Json Formatter

Clipboard support is working, however only the vim "dd" command copies text to the clipboard. I'm looking to have the "y" yank command copy to the clipboard. On an Ubuntu system this is working for me, however it is not working on a Windows 10 system. How can the "y" command be set to copy text to the clipboard on Windows 10?

echo('clipboard') returns 1, so there is clipboard support. The .vimrc file includes set clipboard=unnamedplus (may be some syntax errors here, however).

Author:cl16,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60978286/copy-to-clipboard-on-windows-10-with-yank-in-vim