Home:ALL Converter>How to change the app name and app icon after installing the app in flutter?

How to change the app name and app icon after installing the app in flutter?

Ask Time:2020-04-01T23:30:33         Author:Tester12

Json Formatter

My Requirement is to change the app name and app icon programmatically after installing the application in flutter.

Using the flutter dynamic icon package :https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_dynamic_icon we can change only the dynamic icon

import 'package:flutter_dynamic_icon/flutter_dynamic_icon.dart'; if (await FlutterDynamicIcon.supportsAlternateIcons) {
await FlutterDynamicIcon.setAlternateIconName("photos");

Is there is any best solution to achieve my requirement?. please guide.

Author:Tester12,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60974574/how-to-change-the-app-name-and-app-icon-after-installing-the-app-in-flutter