Home:ALL Converter>Flutter build is iOs - Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: _objc_msgSend$

Flutter build is iOs - Error (Xcode): Undefined symbol: _objc_msgSend$

Ask Time:2022-10-08T04:33:19         Author:Bertrand Gélinas

Json Formatter

Trying for several days to build my flutter project in iOs (flutter build IPA) and I always seem to receive the same errors :

     "_objc_msgSend$setIOSHasWarnedLocationServicesOff:", referenced from:
      +[LocationAuthorization run:onCancel:] in TSLocationManager(LocationAuthorization.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

There are a lot of them so I won't be putting all of them here but they're all related to _objc_msgSend$ and TSLocationManager.

I tried to add "-lc++" to Other Linker Flags in Build Settings (Runner Target)., related to this issue https://github.com/facebookarchive/pop/issues/25 but it still failing with more than 100 _objc_msgSend$ issues. I have frankly tried so many things and I'm quite out of clues.

Something I remarked is that when I build from Xcode (Product -» Build), it builds fine when I choose the Destination Device iPhone SE 3rd GEN, but I get the errors when the destination device into my physical device (which is plugged into my Mac).

When I hit flutter build IPA, it always fails.

Author:Bertrand Gélinas,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73992337/flutter-build-is-ios-error-xcode-undefined-symbol-objc-msgsend