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Not Able to Start Hadoop Service Locally On Windows 7

Ask Time:2020-05-27T01:14:29         Author:user13128577

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I am trying to set up hadoop locally on my windows 7 computer by the instructions on the following link: https://dimensionless.in/know-how-to-install-and-run-hadoop-on-windows-for-beginners/

I followed each single step and hadoop looks to be properly installed as I checked it by running this command: hadoop version in the windows command prompt and it returned the installed hadoop version hadoop 3.1.0 successfully.

However it failed to start all the nodes e.g. namenode, data node, yarn. I realised it must be to do with the port used as I use local port 9000 in the core site configuration: hdfs://localhost:9000 , and I checked if the port is open by running command: telnet localhost 9000, and it returned the message that failed to open the port.

Can anyone provide any guidance on the above issue which looks to be the port issue which then failed the hadoop service from starting up?

Thank you.

Author:user13128577,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62027753/not-able-to-start-hadoop-service-locally-on-windows-7