Home:ALL Converter>Coturn Installation failed in Centos7

Coturn Installation failed in Centos7

Ask Time:2019-07-09T12:38:29         Author:Vinothkumar Vino

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I followed this link https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/docs/TURN-server-installation-guide.html#centos to install turn server in centos 7. The Configuration step I gave user name and password , also gave the same port as per the guidelines.

And finally I run the comment: "turnserver -v -r 127.1.1:2222 -a -b turnuserdb.conf -c turnserver.conf -u turn-username -r 127.1.1:2222 -p turn-password"

it showed Wrong user name in the execution.

Any idea for Coturn installation in Centos7 because i am new in webrtc...

Author:Vinothkumar Vino,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56945436/coturn-installation-failed-in-centos7