Home:ALL Converter>Passing JavaScript array with multiple values to PHP via ajax

Passing JavaScript array with multiple values to PHP via ajax

Ask Time:2022-10-21T10:23:58         Author:Anno123

Json Formatter

My current project is passing multiple values to php via ajax and I want to add an array together but I failed to do so.

current JS file:

var name= 'John';
var age= 21;
var gender = 'm';

var postData = 'name='+name+'&age='+age+'&gender=gender';

    }).done(function (data){

What I want to add:

var subject = ["math","geograph"];
JSON.stringify(subject ); //to encode the array

I have tried:

var postData = 'name='+name+'&age='+age+'&gender='+gender+'&subject='subject';


data:{subject : subject , postData : postData},

and I get this array in php:

$subject = json_decode($request['subject']),true);

But I can't get the array in my php. How can I solve this problem? Thanks

Author:Anno123,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74148139/passing-javascript-array-with-multiple-values-to-php-via-ajax
Phil :

You'll need to url-encode the JSON string to make it compatible with the application/x-www-form-urlencoded request you're sending.\nFortunately, jQuery is able to do this for you if you pass it an object of data values.\nconst name = "John";\nconst age = 21;\nconst gender = "m";\nconst subject = ["math", "geograph"];\n\n$.ajax({\n url: `${baseUrl}/student`,\n method: "POST",\n dataType: "json",\n data: {\n name,\n age,\n gender,\n subject: JSON.stringify(subject),\n }\n})\n\nThis will produce the following request body\nname=John&age=21&gender=m&subject=%5B%22math%22%2C%22geograph%22%5D\n\nOn the PHP side you can continue to use...\n$subject = json_decode($_POST['subject'], true);\n\n\nAs indicated in the comments below, you can also skip the JSON encoding in which case jQuery will send multiple fields named subject[] so your PHP would have to change to\n$subject = $_POST['subject']; // will be an array\n",
flyingfox :

The result of JSON.stringify(subject) is still an array\n\r\n\r\nvar subject = [\"math\",\"geograph\"];\nconsole.log(JSON.stringify(subject )); ",