Home:ALL Converter>Easiest Way to Move Dead-Lettered Messages back to Processing Topic?

Easiest Way to Move Dead-Lettered Messages back to Processing Topic?

Ask Time:2020-07-02T02:59:19         Author:JohnsonCore

Json Formatter

When a message cannot be processed, we are placing the message on a dead-letter topic. We now have several hundred messages on the dead-letter topic that were placed there due to a bug in our application. Now that we have fixed the causing bug, what is the easiest way to "move" all messages from the dead-letter topic back to the normal topic to be reprocessed?

In RabbitMQ, you would just move the messages via the RabbitMQ dashboard; is there an equivalent in kafka, or do you need to code a separate application to move the messages?

Author:JohnsonCore,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62683687/easiest-way-to-move-dead-lettered-messages-back-to-processing-topic