Home:ALL Converter>not clickable but hoverable pseudo elements

not clickable but hoverable pseudo elements

Ask Time:2020-08-10T02:20:24         Author:nishi

Json Formatter

I am building a star-rating element using CSS. I made a set of clickable radio buttons as pink elements. When I click these elements, all elements after them become grey, and all elements before them turn pink.

I want to set a hover on them so I set all the pinks to become grey as I hover.

The problem is that when I hover through the greys , they are already grey so nothing changes.

The solution I am trying is to set five pseudo elements on top of my radio buttons so I can set them to be pink as I hover. These pseudo elements should never be clickable so should never change from gray to pink.

The problem is that I cannot click through the pseudo elements, as they are above.

If I give all the divs for the pseudo elements pointer-events:none, there will be no hover. If I set a div to wrap these pseudo element's divs, they will hover but clicking is still not possible.

Is there a way to achieve this? A better approach maybe?

here is the code:

 * {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

.div {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  background: orchid;
  width: 500px;
  height: 200px;

.holder-wrapper {
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  position: absolute;
  font-size: 100px;
  color: lightpink;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  width: 500px;
  height: 200px;

input {
  appearance: none;
  font-size: 100px;
  color: lightpink;

input::before {
  position: relative;
  content: '\2602';

.holder::before {
  content: '\2601';

input:checked ~ ::before {
  color: #333;

.holder:hover ~ ::before {
  color: #333;
<div class="div">
  <input type="radio" data-rate="1" name="rating" class="rating--star" checked/>
  <input type="radio" data-rate="2" name="rating" class="rating--star" />
  <input type="radio" data-rate="3" name="rating" class="rating--star" />
  <input type="radio" data-rate="4" name="rating" class="rating--star" />
  <input type="radio" data-rate="5" name="rating" class="rating--star" />
  <div class="holder-wrapper">
    <div class="holder"></div>
    <div class="holder"></div>
    <div class="holder"></div>
    <div class="holder"></div>
    <div class="holder"></div>


Author:nishi,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63329815/not-clickable-but-hoverable-pseudo-elements
Sharkfin :

\r\n\r\n* {\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n.div {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n background: orchid;\n width: 500px;\n height: 200px;\n opacity: 1;\n \n\n}\n\ninput {\n appearance: none;\n font-size: 100px;\n color: black;\n}\ninput::before {\n position: relative;\n content: \"\\2602\";\n color: black;\n opacity:1;\n transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out;\n}\ninput:focus{\noutline:none;\n}\ninput:checked ~ ::before {\n opacity:0.3\n\n}\n\ninput:hover ~ ::before {\n opacity:0.2\n}\r\n<input type=\"radio\" data-rate=\"1\" name=\"rating\" class=\"rating--star\" checked />\n<input type=\"radio\" data-rate=\"2\" name=\"rating\" class=\"rating--star\" />\n<input type=\"radio\" data-rate=\"3\" name=\"rating\" class=\"rating--star\" />\n<input type=\"radio\" data-rate=\"4\" name=\"rating\" class=\"rating--star\" />\n<input type=\"radio\" data-rate=\"5\" name=\"rating\" class=\"rating--star\" />\n\n</div>",