Home:ALL Converter>Angular-9 upgrade and postscript (ngcc)

Angular-9 upgrade and postscript (ngcc)

Ask Time:2020-08-30T02:47:56         Author:TheMonkWhoSoldHisCode

Json Formatter

The documentation of Angular-9 upgrade has the following:

If you depend on many Angular libraries you may consider speeding up your build by invoking the ngcc (Angular Compatibility Compiler) in an npm postinstall script via small change to your package.json.

However, after reading many articles it seems adding ngcc in "postscript" is mandatory. In our projects we have multiple dependencies. What happens if I do not have "ngcc" in my postscript? Does the CLI not execute "ngcc" on its own in the CI/CD pipeline? Does the command has to be explicit in the postscript? The document around this is highly ambiguous and it is not clear what needs to be done.

Author:TheMonkWhoSoldHisCode,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63650649/angular-9-upgrade-and-postscript-ngcc