Home:ALL Converter>A benevolent case for const_cast?

A benevolent case for const_cast?

Ask Time:2020-08-26T22:33:36         Author:user1548418

Json Formatter

I've read quite a few discussions that const_cast in C++ is considered wrong and dangerous and should not be used for anything other than backward compatibility with C code. And I generally agree.

However recently I came across the following use case and it made me wonder.

I have some model object, owned by a controller, that is generally non-const. I pass it to a view that should not be able to modify the model object, so it would be logical to declare the object as a const parameter when passed to the view. However the view also makes delegate callbacks to the controller, passing the model object as a parameter (e.g. the user clicked this object). The callback parameter also must be const. In the callback method, the controller wants to make a change to the model, but the model is const so it can't do it.

The two solutions:

  1. use const_cast in the controller's callback method, since it knows the model object is non-const - but it smells.
  2. don't declare the model as const parameter when passed to the view - but then I can't use such a useful tool as the const declaration, which seems very relevant in this case.


Author:user1548418,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63599944/a-benevolent-case-for-const-cast
Yakk - Adam Nevraumont :

There are two ways to deal with const.\n\nThings are const if this code won't directly change them.\n\nThings are const if this code won't change them.\n\n\nIn this case, the view won't directly change the object. But you want it to indirectly change the object.\nUnder (2), this means the object isn't const. The view can change the object, if indirectly. It can cause the object to be changed. Saying it is const implies that the views interaction with the object is purely "reading state", not changing the state -- but clicking on the "delete" button of the object and making it delete is a mutating operation.\nUnder (1), your reference should be const, because you aren't yourself modifying it. Someone else is, under authority granted by their right to do it.\nThis is one conflict. And (1) is an acceptable way to use const. But when using (1) you should have an alternative route to the object as non-const.\nWe can see this under vector.erase. It (now) takes const_iterators. Even though those iterators themselves are not permitted to modify the vector, the non-constness of *this provides an alternative access path that permits modification.\nIn your case, the controller owns the object, so should have a non-const access path to that object. That is the path you should use to do non-const modification of the object.\nWhen the view makes a delegate callback, it might pass an identifier instead of an object -- or, the controller might extract the identifier from the object somehow, and look it back up in its own list of objects.",