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VSCode formatting of command options

Ask Time:2023-01-12T23:32:10         Author:EvenStar69

Json Formatter

I am using VScode for writting shell scripts.

I specify the language of the script on VS Code and I am already enjoying the rest of the formatting.

I would like the options of my commands (that would be everything starting with one dash "-" or two dashes "--", including the dashes) to be formatted in a peculiar color for reading convenience.


example -in $file -out output.txt -mode 5 --force

I would like -in, -out, -mode and --force to all have a similar color, not a color already used in the usual shell formatting in VScode.

Screenshot of the current code in VS Code:

enter image description here

Author:EvenStar69,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75098735/vscode-formatting-of-command-options