Home:ALL Converter>Can I code sign a Windows Store App with a trusted code signing certificate?

Can I code sign a Windows Store App with a trusted code signing certificate?

Ask Time:2020-06-19T00:01:49         Author:Michael M.

Json Formatter

We have a Windows UWP app that is currently in the Microsoft store. The project includes a store association file which contains publisher attributes one of which is the Common Name. Our store account shows the CN as a string value resembling a GUID. It shows the Display Name as our company name. In Visual Studio we can build the app for sideloading and code sign with a self-signed certificate in which the certificate’s CN is the same as the Store CN (GUID like string). This allows us to sideload new versions of the app over the store version for testing and getting new features to specific customers quickly. Then the sideloaded version can eventually be updated with newer published store versions.

My question is this: We would like to sign the app with a Code Signing Certificate we purchase from a trusted certificate authority. The problem is trusted code signing certificates must have the Common Name as the company name. We seem to only be able to sign the app with a certificate that has the Common Name equal to the CN in the store association file (GUID like string). Is this a known limitation to store associated apps or are we missing something?

Author:Michael M.,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62454285/can-i-code-sign-a-windows-store-app-with-a-trusted-code-signing-certificate