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Freeing a struct

Ask Time:2020-11-10T08:43:57         Author:Josee

Json Formatter

I have a linked list struct on me, and I used a node struct to help me store data and know where each node is pointing to. In the creation of my list, I did this:

struct list {
 struct node *Head;
 struct node *Tail;

struct node{
  int val;
  struct node * next;
struct list create_list(){
    struct list new_list;
    new_list = malloc(sizeof(struct list));

Then, when I am trying to free the list that I malloced for, I did this

void free_list(struct list linked_list){


However, I realize that I may have malloced wrong, because when you malloc, you need to assign it to a pointer. When I want to free the linked_list that I originally malloced for, nothing really changes.

I think this may be because the linked_list that I sent into free() is not a pointer, thus no changes have been made. I tried adding & and * to it, but I end up getting errors....

Any tips or help is appreciated.


Fixed Typo on the struct list.

This is hw, so I cannot change the parameters of the functions, which is what is giving me a hard time freeing the linked list I made. This is because the function free_list() cannot change its parameter into a pointer linked list, so I don't know exactly what to do.

I will also take note of when I am mallocing for the linked list in the create_list function.

Author:Josee,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64761278/freeing-a-struct