Home:ALL Converter>Requeuing message to Azure Topic Subscription

Requeuing message to Azure Topic Subscription

Ask Time:2020-11-19T02:13:59         Author:LMKN

Json Formatter

Problem: I have a Azure Topic Topic1 with Subscriptions Subscription-A, Subscription-B, Subscription-C
Each Subscription is listen to by an Azure function and it uses the message to perform unique action like charging customer or Updating another subsystem etc. If the execution in one of the functions results in error , I would like to requeue the message into that specific subscription for execution after a delay say 1 min. not right way. [ Currently, If the function results in error, message is retried right away couple of times before pushing to dead letter. Looks like default behavior by Azure service bus and functions]

I can not resend a message to Topic1 as that message would be read by all the 3 subscriptions. I don't want this as the other message were processed successfully by the respective subscription/functions. This requeued message should be filtered out by other subscriptions on this topic.

Any ideas or suggestion would be of great help.

Author:LMKN,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64898920/requeuing-message-to-azure-topic-subscription