Home:ALL Converter>Sqlite datetime comparison with a unix timestamp

Sqlite datetime comparison with a unix timestamp

Ask Time:2020-12-22T04:28:43         Author:Basj

Json Formatter

The Sqlite documentation states:

SQLite has no DATETIME datatype. Instead, dates and times can be stored in any of these ways:

  • As a TEXT string in the ISO-8601 format. Example: '2018-04-02 12:13:46'.
  • As an INTEGER number of seconds since 1970 (also known as "unix time").

so I decided to use an INTEGER unix timestamp:

import sqlite3, time
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
conn.execute("CREATE TABLE data(datetime INTEGER, t TEXT);")
conn.execute("INSERT INTO data VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'hello')")

Why does the following query return no result?

ts = int(time.time()) + 31*24*3600  # unix timestamp 1 month in the future
print(list(conn.execute("SELECT * FROM data WHERE datetime <= ?", (ts, ))))

More generally, how to do a SELECT query with a comparison with a unix timestamp with Sqlite?


  • I have already read SQLite DateTime comparison and similar questions, which offer other comparison methods, but here I'd like to precisely discuss why this unix timestamp comparison does not work.

  • For performance reasons, I'd like to:

    • do a query that compares integers (which is super fast if many rows): WHERE datetime <= unix_timestamp,
    • avoid to convert unix_timestamp into string, and then compare datetime to this string (I guess it'll be far slower)

Author:Basj,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65399524/sqlite-datetime-comparison-with-a-unix-timestamp