Home:ALL Converter>Change dataframe from float64 to float128 Python

Change dataframe from float64 to float128 Python

Ask Time:2021-02-03T17:51:37         Author:Luc

Json Formatter

Currently after importing the data the datatype is float64, but I want to change this to float128, since the data I am using is very large.

Below you can find the code I have tried:

df1m = pd.read_csv('btcusd.csv')     # import dataset
df1m = df1m.astype('float128')       # change to float128

But this gives the following error: TypeError: data type "float128" not understood

I have looked around on stackoverflow but I couldn't find an answer... Hopefully you can help me!

Author:Luc,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66025010/change-dataframe-from-float64-to-float128-python