Home:ALL Converter>trigger pipeline fails in gitlab-ci

trigger pipeline fails in gitlab-ci

Ask Time:2021-02-11T16:10:42         Author:Alon212

Json Formatter

trying to trigger a pipeline in another project.

trigger job:
    stage: triggers
    needs: [test_01]
            - project: voodoo212/ourlordandsavior
              file: .gitlab-ci.yml
        # strategy: depend

the remote pipeline runs fine when run separately but fails when triggered from another pipeline. anything I am missing here? the triggered pipeline do start running but seem like it is the same error I got when not passing cache path

$ ./configure.sh
/bin/bash: line 114: ./configure.sh: No such file or directory

Author:Alon212,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66150942/trigger-pipeline-fails-in-gitlab-ci
Alon212 :

I just realized I had the syntax wrong !\nno need to use include to run it just\ntrigger job:\n stage: deploy\n needs: [test_01]\n trigger:\n project: voodoo212/ourlordandsavior\n strategy: depend\n",