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Convert PEM to PPK file format

Ask Time:2010-07-07T06:19:28         Author:LoneRanger

Json Formatter

Is there a way to convert PEM files to PPK files? (you may guess that Amazon EC2 gives me a PEM file, and I need to use the PPK format for SSH connectivity).

Author:LoneRanger,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3190667/convert-pem-to-ppk-file-format
M. Hamza Rajput :

Convert .pem file to .ppk for Windows 10\n\nYou need to do following:\n\n\n\n1. Download PuTTYGen with Pageant.\n 2. Press \"load\" button and select your \".pem\" file.\n 3. Press \"save private key\" button and save your \".ppk\" file.\n 4. Open Pageant and press \"add key\" button. Just all. Keep running Pageant in background.\n5. Now login through SSH or SFTP without selecting password field.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
kartick shaw :

\nSave YourPEMFILE.pem to your .ssh directory\nRun puttygen from Command Prompt\n\na. Click “Load” button to “Load an existing private key file”\n b. Change the file filter to “All Files (.)\n c. Select the YourPEMFILE.pem\n d. Click Open\n e. Puttygen shows a notice saying that it Successfully imported foreign key. Click OK.\n f. Click “Save private key” button\n g. When asked if you are sure that you want to save without a passphrase entered, answer “Yes”.\n h. Enter the file name YourPEMFILE.ppk\n i. Click “Save”\n",
Nematillo Ochilov :

PuTTYgen for Ubuntu/Linux and PEM to PPK\n\nsudo apt install putty-tools\nputtygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C \"user@host\" -o keyfile.ppk\n",
Patalenski :

I used a trial version of ZOC Terminal Emulator and it worked. It readily accepts the Amazon's *.pem files. \n\nThe trick is though, that you need to specify \"ec2-user\" instead of \"root\" for the username - despite the example shown in the EC2 console, which is wrong! ;-) ",
Muhammad Javed Baloch :

sudo yum install putty\nsudo apt-get install putty-tools\nTo convert your .pem file to a .ppk file\nsudo puttygen pemKey.pem -o ppkKey.ppk -O private\nTo convert a .ppk file to a .pem file\nsudo puttygen ppkkey.ppk -O private-openssh -o pemkey.pem",
Ryan Kinal :

Use PuTTYGen\n\nCreating and Using SSH Keys\n\nOverview\n\nvCloud Express now has the ability to create SSH Keys for Linux servers. This function will allow the user to create multiple custom keys by selecting the \"My Account/Key Management\" option. Once the key has been created the user will be required to select the desired SSH Key during the “Create Server” process for Linux.\n\nCreate and Use SSH Keys\n\n\nCreate keys\n\n\nNavigate to “My Account”\nSelect “Key Management”\nCreate New Key.\n\n\nDuring the key creation process you will be prompted to download your private key file in .PEM format. You will not be able to download the private key again as it is not stored in vCloud Express.\nThe “Default” checkbox is used for the API.\n\n\nDeploy server and select key\nConnect\n\n\nSSH (Mac/Linux)\n\n\nCopy .PEM file to the machine from which you are going to connect.\nMake sure permissions on .PEM file are appropriate (chmod 600 file.pem)\nConnect with ssh command: ssh vcloud@ipaddress –i privkey.pem\n\nPutty (Windows)\n\n\nDownload Putty and puttygen from - here\nUse puttygen to convert .PEM file to .PPK file.\nStart puttygen and select “Load”\nSelect your .PEM file.\nPutty will convert the .PEM format to .PPK format.\n\nSelect “Save Private Key” A passphrase is not required but can be used if additional security is required.\n\nConnect with Putty.\n\n\nLaunch Putty and enter the host IP address. If connecting to the 10.X private address you must first establish an SSL VPN connection.\nNavigate to Connection/SSH/Auth\nClick “Browse” and select the .PPK file you exported from puttygen.\n\nClick “Open.” When connection comes up enter username (default is vcloud).\n\n\n\n\nInstructions copied from here",
trex005 :

I'm rather shocked that this has not been answered since the solution is very simple.\n\nAs mentioned in previous posts, you would not want to convert it using C#, but just once. This is easy to do with PuTTYGen.\n\n\nDownload your .pem from AWS\nOpen PuTTYgen\nClick \"Load\" on the right side about 3/4 down\nSet the file type to *.*\nBrowse to, and Open your .pem file\nPuTTY will auto-detect everything it needs, and you just need to click \"Save private key\" and you can save your ppk key for use with PuTTY\n\n\nEnjoy!",
Deepak Sharma :

If you have Linux machine just install puttygen in your system and use use below command to convert the key\n\npem to ppk use below command:\n\nputtygen keyname -o keyname.ppk\n\nBelow command is use to convert ppk to pem not pem to ppk\n\nputtygen filename.ppk -O private-openssh -o filename.pem",
user7757658 :

\nDownload puttygen\nThen open puttygen\nclick load \nSet the file type to . all files\nSave PrivateKey\nand then u can just save any name that file became an ppk file\n",
Enigma :

To SSH connectivity to AWS EC2 instance, You don't need to convert the .PEM file to PPK file even on windows machine, Simple SSH using 'git bash' tool. No need to download and convert these softwares - Hope this will save your time of downloading and converting keys and get you more time on EC2 things. ",